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Pupil Leadership

Head of School & Deputy Head of School

We see these roles as a link between our children and staff.

The children chosen for this role were selected by the staff and have shown a great attitude to school life. We expect the chosen children to continue to be role models to their peers and show the school in the best possible light.  

Head of School; Georgina

I would like to help the younger children with their work and make sure they are settled in school.

I am looking forward to showing people round our school.

Deputy Head of School; Ollie

I was very happy when I was given th role of deputy head of school. I would love to get some more equipment for playtime.

House Captains

At Great Ponton CE Primary School, we use our House system to consistently acknowledge and reward behaviour, effort and learning attitudes, supporting all to flourish and develop as creative, respectful and independent citizens.

All pupils from Reception to Year 6 are allocated into one of our three Houses:

  • Willow
  • Oak
  • Birch

On entering Year 6, pupils are chosen by class teachers for the role.

There are 2 Captains per House who undertake a range of duties:

  • Collect the House points from each classroom in readiness for the Celebration Collective Worship;
  • Support the younger children in their Houses e.g. while at play, or when taking part in House Tournaments;
  • Set the example as positve role models

This leadership opportunity enables our pupils to further develop and embed our school values.

Bronze Ambassadors

Bronze Young Ambassadors are two or three Year 5 or 6 children who have demonstrated a great passion for sport or physical activity. Bronze Young Ambassadors are traditionally the best Sports Leaders, Playground Leaders or School Sport Organising Crew.

All Bronze Young Ambassadors attend training organised by Inspire+ and are given the task to promote and encourage their fellow pupils to complete the Legacy Challenge, which is aimed at getting pupils more physically active and going on adventures.

Our Bronze Ambassadors; Louie, Sienna and Rosie

Roles of A Bronze Young Ambassador
Working in their school:

  • Increase participation;
  • Promote PE and school sport;
  • Promote the positive values in sport; and
  • Be a role model.

Young Persons Profile

  • The ability to inspire and influence young people.
  • A role model.
  • The ability to lead other young people.
  • Ideally Year 6.

School Council

Our School Council is made up of representatives from each of the school's year groups and works with Mr Leader, the Headteacher to support the implementation of the School's Development Plan.  This includes:

  • attend meetings and liaise with Mr Leader;
  • review, evaluate and help shape school development priorities;
  • disseminate school development priorities to all Pupil Leadership Groups; and
  • provide views to help make the school an even better place e.g. identify new priorities, liasie with external visitors.

Reading Ambassadors


Digital Leaders


Collective Worship Crew

Our Collective Worship Crew work to ensure our acts of worship are Invitational, Inclusive and Inspirational.

Our Collective Worship Crew liaise with Mr Leader our RE Lead to:

  • review the school's themes and values;
  • plan and deliver acts of worship;
  • support our school family e.g. classes to better understand the world in which they live.

This leadership opportunity enables our pupils to further develop and embed the values of:

  • Creativity: evaluate and design Invitational, Inclusive and Inspirational acts of worhsip.
  • Respect:  liaise with adults and children to better understand perspectives and develop further empathy for others;
  • Independence: liaise with children and lead acts of worship.

In doing so, we enable all to shine and learn from one another.