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Years 5 & 6



Welcome back.  This term we are focusing on ‘A Sense of Place’. 

In English, we are focusing on non-chronological reports using our book Children of the Benin Kingdom.

During our Maths lessons we will be focusing on Number and Place Value, Addition and Subtraction, Statistics, and Time.

We will be working hard on our times tables, please remember to use TTRS to help us with our practise.

In Science, our unit of work will be all about ‘Survival of the Fittest’.  We will be look at inheritance of characteristics, adaptations and learning about or key scientist, Charles Darwin.

As part of our RE lessons, we will be exploring Buddhism.

In DT, we will be continuing our work on structures and making our own bridges.

We are continuing to encourage and promote our love of reading, giving children opportunities to read throughout the day as well as a whole class reading for pleasure session to end each day.

PE days this term are Monday and Wednesday.  We will be working on handball and rounders.

Homework is on Tuesday and is to be returned on a Monday.

Please keep an eye out on Class Dojo to see the amazing work we have been doing and to see any messages.

In the meantime below is a link for 11+ practice.

Year 5 & 6 revision pack

Please click on the attachment below to open up a wealth of revision aids.

Science home learning

Press the button below