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EYFS, Year 1 & Year 2

Welcome back everyone, I am really looking forward to starting the Summer Term, we have a busy rest of the year coming up with lots of exciting things happening to please look out for messages on dojo to keep updated.

Our topics are as follows:

Reception – On the Farm!

Y1/2 – Fantasy Worlds

Lots of our learning in each class will be linked to our current topics. We also have two visits planned to link with our learning to a local Farm and Belvoir Castle, details will follow soon.

Our PE Days this half term are:

Reception – Tuesday & Wednesday

Y1/2 – Tuesday & Thursday


Homework and reading books are due in every Monday and will be sent back out on a Tuesday.

Let’s have another great term.

Useful links:


PE videos

Little Movers-

Below is the link to the Little mover’s videos ready for your PE commencing Wednesday 27th January. The videos are filled with activities that the children can work on while at home or in school and they can be easier paused in between activities.  There are three videos to start with but more are to follow.

Great Ponton Videos

Please  don’t hesitate to contact me if there is an issue accessing the videos or if you have any question or request.

I hope you enjoy!

Thank you to the Inspire+ team for creating these videos for our school.