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School Clubs

Dear Parents

I am very pleased to the clubs that are on offer this half-term. The School council collated a list of clubs the children wanted and then staff chose the club they wanted to run, so hopefully there is something for everyone.



Who is the club for

Extra information

Monday After School

Book club

Years 4/5/6


Wednesday After School


Times tables

Year 4


Thursday After school

Paralympic Sports


Years R/1/2


Please note that all children need to be committed to their club for the duration and not come on a ‘as you please’ basis as most of the clubs will be oversubscribed. Any child not attending on a regular basis will be asked to leave and the place offered to another child.

We do need notification should a child decide to leave a club, we also ask that parents advise the school should a child not be able to attend a club for any reason – due to ‘Safeguarding Children’, we cannot take this sort of information directly from a child.


After school clubs will run until 4.15pm please ensure you have arrangements for your children to be collected at 4.15pm. School transport will be unavailable.

Please also note that any alterations to club details will be advised by the school either by ParentMail or Class Dojo. We do our best to ensure clubs are not cancelled but there will be occasions when this is unavoidable and clubs will be cancelled, we are sorry in advance for any issues this may cause.

If you would like your child to participate in any of the above clubs, please complete the google forms link (green text in club timetable above) for the appropriate club. You should presume that your child has been allocated a place for their chosen club/s, you will be notified if this is not the case.