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Our learners will be curious about the past and how it affects their own identity and the challenges of our world today.


We teach the History National Curriculum through carefully sequenced units of learning that build knowledge and skills year on year. The key skills of chronology, enquiry and historical vocabulary are built on each year, giving pupils opportunity to apply these in different contexts to deepen their understanding of how historical perspectives are created. For some units, teachers have the opportunity to use planning from the Historical Association to support their planning and delivery of topics.

Children will develop chronology skills through ordering and sequencing events; and using timelines. Children’s knowledge and progression of historical terms will be embedded throughout the History curriculum and developed through discussion and writing based activities. Historical enquiry skills are an integral part of history learning and will be developed through the use of artefacts and texts, and detailed analysis of these sources.

The History curriculum in our school will be enriched by relevant trips and visits to historical sites and by welcoming visitors in to school to further deepen children’s immersion in to history topics.

For pupils with SEND, it is important to focus on the pupils’ strengths as well as identifying areas where they need more help, practice and consolidation. In general, pupils should have the opportunity to develop all the concepts, regardless of their SEN or disability. However, the approach to these concepts may have to be done differently with different groups of pupils and in accordance to individual need.


Our History curriculum allows children to develop their critical thinking and enquiry skills through exploration of world and British history. Our curriculum allows our children to make excellent progression both their historical knowledge and skills which is evidenced in individual topic books. Each term, children are able to consolidate their learning to answer a historical enquiry question making use of the skills and knowledge they have acquired across that topic. Children can make links between the past and present and can give reasons for some societal changes across time. Children enjoy learning about the past and can use their knowledge to become compassionate global citizens who understand how their history can influence and change the future.