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What is the PFTA.?

PTA stands for Parent Friends Teacher Association and every parent and guardian with children enrolled at the school, plus all the teaching and non-teaching staff are automatically members. We are a registered Charity. We are not part of the school governing body but, we aim to work closely with them in the interests of the school and all its pupils.

What does the PFTA do?

We develop strong and effective relationships between the staff, parents and others associated with the school to build a sense of community. We also aim to advance the education of the children by engaging in activities or providing facilities or equipment, which support the school and the pupils. This is done primarily through fundraising.

How can you help?

We welcome whatever help you can offer. We always need volunteers to help set-up and run our events or be part of the PTA committee. It could be as simple as turning up to one of our events, or buying a cake or a raffle ticket now or then. Do as much or as little as you feel able to. Contact any of the committee members to discuss further.

What does the school get out of the PTA?

Our main purpose is to raise money and how that money is spent changes each year. Over the last few years the many hundreds of £’s raised by the PTA has funded:

*Pirate ship in KS1 outdoor area

*Donated £1500 towards laptops and laptop trolley 

* Yearly donations to village hall for use for plays, discos and events

* donated £2200 towards extension of KS1 play area 

*nexus foot twisters x 2

* Emotions set 

Donation towards the new reading scheme

Of course, a lot of what we do is also great fun and the kids (and adults) love it. We run discos, film nights, seasonal fairs, raffles, cake sales and much more. It is all part of creating a lively and fun community school.

If you have feedback, suggestions or ideas for activities - Please contact us using any of the channels below.

Like shopping online?

Register with easy fundraising to raise money for the PTA

This is a really simple way to raise money for our PTA. Shop with any of over 2,700 retailers; a percentage of what you spend is donated to our PTA. Retailers include Aviva, Virgin, Trainline, Amazon, John Lewis, eBay, Tesco and many more.

Please register to support us today.

Contact details

Chair Person; Sarah Robson

Treasurer; Kym Morrisroe


Administrator; Kym Morrisroe-

Headteacher; Keith Leader-