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Governors Page

The Role of the School Governor

At Great Ponton CE England Primary School, our Governors support the headteacher to ensure that our school has:

  • a clear vision,
  • is managed well;
  • meets its statutory duties; 
  • supports the development of all e.g. pupils, staff, parents, governors and other stakeholders;  
  • so that the quality of education is of the highest standard.

At Great Ponton Church of England Primary School, our Governing Body meets regularly throughout the school year either in full or in part, as:

  • the Full Governing Body;
  • the Curriculum & Standards Committee; and
  • the Finance Committee.  

Main Duties and Responsibilities of School Governors.

School Governors come from a wide range of backgrounds. They are not expected to be experts in educational matters, as these are the responsibility of the headteacher and the teaching staff of the school.

The role of the School Governor and the Governing Body is to take a strategic overview of the issues relating to the school and to set a broad framework within which the headteacher can operate.

The work of the Governor is concerned with the general oversight of the conduct of the school, with the Headteacher responsible for the internal organisation and leadership and management.

The School Governor is expected to:

  • work as a member of the Governing Body for the best interests of the school;
  • attend the regular meetings and special meetings of the Governing Body;
  • serve on committees which deal with the Governing Body's legal obligations;
  • become familiar with general educational issues and developments;
  • take an interest in school activities;
  • promote the school within the local community; and
  • be able to commit time to the duties and responsibilities of a Governor.

From time to time, opportunities to stand as Parent Governors will be advertised to you. 

Our governors are:

Mr Keith Leader (Head Teacher)

Mr Steve Williams (LA Governor/Chair)

Mrs Rachael Burchett (Parent Governor)

Mr Marc Huggins (Parent Governor/ Vice Chair)

Mrs Amanda McDonnell (Staff Governor)

Mrs Nicolete Fisher (Foundation Governor)

Mr Rodney Pitt (Foundation Governor)

Mrs Bronwyn Hedley (Foundation Governor)

All correspondence for the Governors should be addressed to:


The Clerk to the Governors,

c/o Great Ponton Church of England Primary School,

Mill Lane,

Great Ponton



NG33 5DT.