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RSE Consultation

Dear Parent/Carers,

As you may be aware, The Department for Education has announced changes to Relationships and Sex Education (RSE). These come into effect from the Summer Term 2021 and all schools will be required to comply with the updated requirements.

This means we have been in the process of reviewing our RSE curriculum and policy so we can be sure our provision meets the Government criteria and is appropriate for our children based on their: Age, physical and emotional maturity, religious and cultural backgrounds, special educational needs and/or disabilities. We have also considered what  our pupils need to know to be healthy and safe in school, in their personal relationships and in the wider world. Our RSE Curriculum is delivered using the Jigsaw PSHE Programme and has been developed in line with our policy.

I would very much welcome your views and am pleased to provide a Parent and Carer Consultation period.

Here’s how you can help:

Please share your feedback on the draft RSE policy and curriculum using this anonymous  questionnaire (This link is also on the consultation page of our website)

And below are the following documents which will give you more information:

A presentation explaining the changes to RSE

A copy of our school policy for consultation. Within our policy there is a summary of  what all pupils are expected to have been taught by the end of each year group.

The consultation will be open until Friday 16th April 2021.

Many thanks for all your continued support,

Mr K Leader
