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To experience a diverse range of music and show creativity through knowledge and musical skills.


Our Music Curriculum references the Model Music Curriculum: Key Stage 1 to 2 Non-Statutory guidance for the National Curriculum in England 2021. 

Our pupils are taught through the Charanga music scheme which is a carefully sequenced curriculum that builds on knowledge and skills at each phase of education. 

Throughout each Key Stage, children will cover Music topics with carefully progressive steps to ensure a continuance of development.

Each year children are given the opportunities to:

  • Listen & Appraise
  • Perform & Evaluate - Singing
  • Perform & Evaluate – Instrumental
  • Compose & Evaluate

As well as the opportunity to use their developing musical skills for a wide range of purposes both within and outside of the curriculum e.g.:


  • EYFS, Year 1 & 2 Nativity
  • Whole School Christmas Service


  • Year 3 & 4 Easter Production


  • Year 5 & 6 Leaver’s Production

and collectively throughout the year as part of:

  • School Choir practice;
  • Instrumental Ensembles;
  • Collective Worship;
  • Church Services; and
  • School Events

Windrush Lincoln
Our school have taken part in the Windrush Lincoln project. Ralph Ottey was born in Little London, Westmoreland, Jamaica on February 17 1924.
He came to the UK in June 1944, settling in Boston, Lincolnshire following a call for assistance from the ‘Mother Country’ in fighting the Second World War. He celebrated his 100th birthday in Boston this year, with his memoir recently launched at IBCC, Lincoln.

Click on the link below to see our children in action.

For pupils with SEND, it is important to focus on the pupils’ strengths as well as identifying areas where they need more help, practice and consolidation.

In general, pupils should have the opportunity to develop all the concepts, regardless of their SEN or disability. However, the approach to these concepts may have to be done differently with different groups of pupils e.g. technology and adapted instruments have led to improved access and greater choice for all pupils to realise their creative potential.


The successful approach to the teaching of Music at Great Ponton CE Primary School will result in a fun, engaging and high-quality Music education.

At Great Ponton CE Primary School:

  • Listen & Appraise

Children will learn to listen critically, pupils will not only expand their musical horizons but also gain a deeper understanding of how music is constructed and the impact it can have on the listener.

  • Perform & Evaluate – Singing

Through good vocal production, careful listening and well-developed sense of pitch, pupils will learn to sing expressively with a sense of dynamics and evaluate their own and others performances.  

  • Perform & Evaluate – Instrumental

Through instrumental exploration, pupils will learn to play a range of instruments as well as evaluate their own and others performances.  

  • Create & Compose

Children will learn the skills to record their musical ideas e.g. rhythmic patterns, melodic shapes and selections of their compositions in various ways through the use of graphic and musical notation as well as evaluate their own and others compositions.


Assessment will take place at the end of each unit.  Teachers will make a formative judgement based upon pupils work in the current unit.  At the end of the year, these judgements will inform teacher assessment in Music for each pupil.