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Vision & Intent


Below is our new vision which was created by the school community.

Our small church school seeks to build a community in which each person is confident in themselves and others, so that we can grow and flourish together. Through inclusive and inspiring education, we will support each person to act with dignity, develop their full potential and respond to challenges with resilience. We look to scripture for inspiration, and find many faithful heroes and heroines who achieved God’s will through courage, wisdom and hope.

Offering hope, building confidence, developing resilience

Created by Millie Tobin Year 5 2023


Our ambitious curriculum has been designed for our learners and their environment. It is a tailor-made curriculum, which is built around skills, knowledge, personal and spiritual development.

We aim for our learners to be critical thinkers by allowing them to have access to age-appropriate skills, as building blocks to prior learning, allowing knowledge to grow and learners being able to problem solve throughout their life. We want them to become well rounded members of society.

We help the learners experience and understand diversity and equality and how this links to being a member of a supportive church school. In turn the learners understand how those communities value and support them.

The learners are taught to be knowledgeable about our community, county and world..


To inspire religious literacy in pupils; developing an understanding of how people of faith live, think and express their beliefs.

As a Church of England primary school within the Diocese of Lincoln, our values are rooted and grounded in the Christian faith. We work closely together to ensure that pupils not only develop their potential but also become responsible and self-motivated members of our community.

In everything we do, we strive for excellence; excellence within a Christian context. High expectations and equally high aspirations from all are key elements of life at our school. We seek to develop a caring Christian community in which we nurture individuals and encourage all to excel.

Our pupils are encouraged, challenged and praised so they feel confident in their abilities; know how to achieve their goals and experience success. We believe that a values based Christian education provides a firm foundation and that if we work hand-in-hand with parents, our children can achieve amazing things.

Our Christian Values

Wisdom, Hope, Dignity, Respect, Peace & Friendship

Created by India Garton Year 6 2023

Jesus Christ is the centre of our school community where we live, love and learn together.

Christian values underpin all that we do in the school and our relationships with one another. Living out the values are important to our school ethos. They are all encompassed by the overriding value of love.  Jesus said, “Love one another as I have loved you”. The kingdom values which may be similar to secular values take on a deeper meaning when considered through Jesus teaching about the kingdom of God, through his kingdom parables and through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus the King. It is these values that we teach and that underpin all that we do in the school.

Our aim is that all the values will become embedded in the school and be lived in our school community through our relationships with one another whether we are pupils, staff or parents. The values are displayed on each classroom door.


“Show proper respect to everyone, love the family of believers”

 Peter 2:17 


A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for a time of adversity”

Proverbs 17:17


“Hope in God’s future for the world. Offering forgiveness, overcoming suffering and the possibility of redemption and new life”

Isaiah 44:22


Growing in relational wisdom, love and compassion- as Jesus grew in wisdom”

Luke 2:40


"Strength and dignity are her clothing, And she smiles at the future".

Proverbs 31:25


“If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone”

Romans 12:18

Offering hope, building confidence, developing resilience