EYFS, Year 1 & Year 2
Welcome to our EYFS, Year 1 and 2 class page. We have a fun filled term ahead with lots of exciting learning opportunities.
Our topics for this term include
Spring Term 1
EYFS – Past and Present
Y1/2 – Similarities and Differences
Spring Term 2
EYFS –To Infinity and Beyond
Y1/2 – Changes Around Us
Lots of our learning in each class will be linked to our current topics, which will include both indoor and outdoor learning opportunities.
Our PE Days this half term are Tuesdays and Thursday
Homework and reading books are due in every Monday and will be sent back out on a Tuesday.
Here are some exciting things we have been doing so far this year:
Our Stay and Read session to share books with our friends and families.
We did some observational drawing in Art.
Our wonderful minibeast experience for our Science Topic.
Outdoor Learning creating pieces of art using natural materials.
Useful links: