Year 3 & 4
Welcome to our Year 3 and 4 class page. We have a fun filled term ahead with lots of exciting learning opportunities.
In English we are working with the text 'Leon and the place between'.
During our Maths lessons we will be focusing on time, number and place value and mental strategies for addition and subtraction.
We are working hard on our times tables, please remember to use our TTRS to help.
In RE we will be exploring Hinduism.
Our unit of work this term in Science is all about ‘Magnets and forces’.
PE this term is swimming and fundamentals.
In History we are learning about our school since 1066.
Our art topic is about painting and mixed media. In Computing we will be doing some coding and branching databases while in French we will be learning about musical instruments and shapes.
We are continuing to encourage and promote our love of reading, giving the children opportunities to read throughout the day and we will have our reading for pleasure session each day.
PE Days this term is Monday and swimming is on a Tuesday.
Homework Day is on Friday and to be returned on a Wednesday.
Keep an eye out on Class Dojo to make sure you see messages and to see what amazing work we have been doing in class.
Links you may find useful:
Accelerated Reader:
Science home learning ideas