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Safeguarding is about keeping children and young people safe from abuse or neglect. All those who come into contact with children and families in their everyday work, have a duty to safeguard and promote the welfare of children.

This page will be used to offer important information to parents and carers regarding issues surrounding Safeguarding & Child Protection. It also provides you information on how we safeguard your children at Great Ponton.

Alongside Great Ponton Primary School’s own policies and procedures, see below, information from other sources will be posted to give advice, facts and resources to support parents and carers to help protect their children.

Child Sexual Exploitation

Child Sexual Exploitation, or CSE, is a form of sexual abuse which sees children/young people being manipulated or coerced into sexual activity for receiving ‘something’ such as; gifts, money, food, attention, somewhere to stay etc.

Technology is very often used to groom victims. This may occur through social networking sites and mobile phones with internet access.

CSE has gained a large amount of media attention over the last year as lots of services involved with children and young people have noticed a big rise in cases involving CSE. Charities such as NSPCC and Barnardos have been campaigning to raise the profile of this form of child abuse. Information regarding CSE can be found here below.



Designated Safeguarding Leads

The Designated Safeguarding Lead for Great Ponton Primary School is Mr Keith Leader. The Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead for Great Ponton Primary School is Mrs Amanda McDonnell.

Reporting a Concern of Abuse or Neglect

If you have concerns that a child you know is at risk of serious harm through Abuse or Neglect it is important that you report your worries to the correct agency. The number below will take you to The Safeguarding Children Customer Call Centre 01522 782111.


The internet has become an integral part of children’s lives. A world has opened up which offers many positive opportunities.

Children start using computers from a very early age and are increasingly using the Internet more and more whether it is at home, in school, on their mobile phones or on a games console. With this in mind, Internet Safety and knowing how to help protect children and young people online is essential.

Just as we want to keep our child safe in the real world, we will want to do the same in the virtual world. It is important that we understand enough about the Internet to keep our children safe from harm but is equally important that we equip our children with the skills they need to keep themselves safe so they can experience the Internet positively and responsibly.

Each new academic year encompasses a topic on e-safety in every year group. We also train staff once a year and offer workshops for parents. If you have any concerns at all please feel free to come in to school and we will be happy to help.

This animation is aimed at supporting parents about internet safety. It was created by ins@fe. The full website has an array of useful information.

Advice for parents about You Tube can be found to download at the bottom of the page.

CEOP also have a huge amount of practical advice for parents.

The Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre website helps you understand some of the new technologies that young people love to use. It updates you on potential risks children may come into contact with and empowers you to get involved in helping them be safer in their online experience.

Talking to your children

The following resources are useful starting if you'd like to discuss e-safety with your child.

'Think you know,' have a range of animations, games and characters that will your child to understand how to use the internet safely. Please choose the correct age group as some of the older videos may not be ideal for younger children.

Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)

In April 2014 every school in England received new safeguarding guidelines and detailed information on identifying and responding to Female Genital Mutilation.

FGM is a procedure carried out on young girls between the ages of infancy and 15 years of age. Female Genital Mutilation is classified as a form of Child Abuse in the UK. It therefore makes the procedure of it a serious Child Protection issue.

It is illegal for anyone to perform FGM in the UK or to arrange for a child to be transported to another country for the procedure. The maximum sentence for carrying out FGM or helping it to take place is 14 years in prison.

There is lots of information and support available online for parents/carers concerned about this subject or if you know someone who is at risk:

Contact the Police if you think that a girl or young woman is in danger of FGM and is still in the UK.

Contact the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (020 7008 1500) if she’s already been taken abroad.

The Daughters of Eve website helps to raise awareness of this issue and sign-posts those affected by it to supportive services. See below.

Daughters of Eve

The NSPCC has detailed advice on how to spot the signs, symptoms and effects of FGM and provides support for people who are concerned about a child or who have been affected themselves. See below.


Domestic Abuse (Operation Encompass)

Sometimes you will hear the phrase domestic abuse, sometimes domestic violence. They mean the same thing. Domestic abuse encompasses a range of abusive behaviours which are used by an abusive partner/ex-partner or family member to maintain power and control over you. Domestic abuse is not just a disagreement. It can also affect anyone, regardless of age, social background, gender, religion, sexual preference, ethnicity.

There are many different types of abusive behaviour. It should be recognised that abuse is an ongoing pattern of behaviour, which will escalate over a period of time.

Physical violence - such as assault Psychological abuse - such as some forms of harassment Sexual abuse - such as rape or indecent assault 
Emotional abuse - harm deliberately or recklessly inflicted on another person’s emotional well being
Financial abuse - where one partner maintains control over the other’s money. 
Stalking or harassment - such as following their victim, appearing at their home or workplace, repeatedly making phone calls, sending texts and emails

The specialist support services in Lincolnshire are on the end of a phone, call them now or look on their websites for more information;

If you live in the East Lindsey Area of Lincolnshire call: East Lindsey Domestic Abuse Service on 01507 609830

If you live in the Boston or South Holland area of Lincolnshire call: Boston & South Holland Domestic Abuse Service on 01205 318600 or 01205 311272

If you live in either the West Lindsey, Lincoln City, North or South Kesteven areas of Lincolnshire call: West Lincolnshire Domestic Abuse Service on 01522 510014 or 01427

Radicalisation and Extremism

PREVENT is a key strand of the Government’s counter-terrorism strategy, CONTEST.

Its main objective is to stop people becoming terrorists or supporting violent extremism. It is essential to know that PREVENT operates in the NON-CRIMINAL space. This means individuals who are referred to Prevent, are supported to move away from terrorism, rather than being criminalised. This multi-agency process is called ‘Channel’.

PREVENT is a multi-agency strategy and not solely a Police initiative. It is important everyone works together to disrupt those who promote violent extremism and identify people who are vulnerable to being recruited by terrorists, so the police and other agencies can offer them support.

Tackling radicalisation relies, to a certain extent, on the vast majority of people who reject violent extremism and are determined to challenge it.

In Lincolnshire, we aim to empower all communities and to stand up to the small minority who support violent extremism.

Prevent is not about spying on people or stigmatising and criminalising individuals and communities. It is about working with communities to identify individuals who may be susceptible to being drawn toward a path of violent extremism. Our aim is to provide support to such individuals to divert them away from violent extremism before they commit any criminal acts.

For Further information or to seek support go to: 


  1. School Child Protection Safeguarding Policy Sept 2024
  2. Online Safety Newsletter March 2025
  3. Online Safety Newsletter February 2025
  4. Online Safety Newsletter Primary January 2025
  5. Online Safety Newsletter December 2024
  6. Online Safety Newsletter Primary October 2024
  7. Online Safety Newsletter September 2024
  8. Parental-Controls-booklet-2024
  9. Online Safety Newsletter July 2024
  10. Online Safety Newsletter June 2024
  11. Online Safety Newsletter May 2024
  12. Online Safety Newsletter Primary March
  13. Online Safety
  14. Tik Tok privacy and blocking complete
  15. Parent tips
  16. YouTube Restricted Mode
  17. Domestic Abuse
  18. Online Safety Newsletter Primary June
  19. Online Safety Newsletter Primary May 2023
  20. Intimate Care Policy
  21. What is snap map
  22. Online_safety_for_parents_NSPCC_PDFA (1)
  23. Snapchat privacy and blocking complete LSCP
  24. Sadfishing
  25. Fortnite-Chapter-2
  26. Parental-Controls-booklet
  27. Victim Lincs overview
  28. MOMO Parents Guide
  29. Peer Pressure for Young People
  30. Peer Pressure NSPCC Tips
  31. Staying Safe Online leaflet
  32. what is fortnite
  33. Instagram-setting-it-to-private
  34. what-is-facebook
  35. what-is-live-streaming
  36. what-is-pokemon-go
  37. what-is-yellow
  38. YouTube_safety_factsheet
  39. Looked After Children Policy
  40. Omegle
  41. Online Safety Newsletter Primary November 2022
  42. Online Safety Newsletter October 2022
  43. parent controls
  44. Technology Safety

  45. League of Legends
  46. Trolling and Online Abuse
  47. Managing abusive people
  48. thinkuknow_primary_parents_helpsheet
  49. tiktok
  50. Hidden Photo Apps
  51. whatsapp-2025